EnglishInflector.php 15 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. * This file is part of the Symfony package.
  4. *
  5. * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
  6. *
  7. * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  8. * file that was distributed with this source code.
  9. */
  10. namespace Symfony\Component\String\Inflector;
  11. final class EnglishInflector implements InflectorInterface
  12. {
  13. /**
  14. * Map English plural to singular suffixes.
  15. *
  16. * @see http://english-zone.com/spelling/plurals.html
  17. */
  18. private const PLURAL_MAP = [
  19. // First entry: plural suffix, reversed
  20. // Second entry: length of plural suffix
  21. // Third entry: Whether the suffix may succeed a vocal
  22. // Fourth entry: Whether the suffix may succeed a consonant
  23. // Fifth entry: singular suffix, normal
  24. // bacteria (bacterium), criteria (criterion), phenomena (phenomenon)
  25. ['a', 1, true, true, ['on', 'um']],
  26. // nebulae (nebula)
  27. ['ea', 2, true, true, 'a'],
  28. // services (service)
  29. ['secivres', 8, true, true, 'service'],
  30. // mice (mouse), lice (louse)
  31. ['eci', 3, false, true, 'ouse'],
  32. // geese (goose)
  33. ['esee', 4, false, true, 'oose'],
  34. // fungi (fungus), alumni (alumnus), syllabi (syllabus), radii (radius)
  35. ['i', 1, true, true, 'us'],
  36. // men (man), women (woman)
  37. ['nem', 3, true, true, 'man'],
  38. // children (child)
  39. ['nerdlihc', 8, true, true, 'child'],
  40. // oxen (ox)
  41. ['nexo', 4, false, false, 'ox'],
  42. // indices (index), appendices (appendix), prices (price)
  43. ['seci', 4, false, true, ['ex', 'ix', 'ice']],
  44. // selfies (selfie)
  45. ['seifles', 7, true, true, 'selfie'],
  46. // zombies (zombie)
  47. ['seibmoz', 7, true, true, 'zombie'],
  48. // movies (movie)
  49. ['seivom', 6, true, true, 'movie'],
  50. // conspectuses (conspectus), prospectuses (prospectus)
  51. ['sesutcep', 8, true, true, 'pectus'],
  52. // feet (foot)
  53. ['teef', 4, true, true, 'foot'],
  54. // geese (goose)
  55. ['eseeg', 5, true, true, 'goose'],
  56. // teeth (tooth)
  57. ['hteet', 5, true, true, 'tooth'],
  58. // news (news)
  59. ['swen', 4, true, true, 'news'],
  60. // series (series)
  61. ['seires', 6, true, true, 'series'],
  62. // babies (baby)
  63. ['sei', 3, false, true, 'y'],
  64. // accesses (access), addresses (address), kisses (kiss)
  65. ['sess', 4, true, false, 'ss'],
  66. // analyses (analysis), ellipses (ellipsis), fungi (fungus),
  67. // neuroses (neurosis), theses (thesis), emphases (emphasis),
  68. // oases (oasis), crises (crisis), houses (house), bases (base),
  69. // atlases (atlas)
  70. ['ses', 3, true, true, ['s', 'se', 'sis']],
  71. // objectives (objective), alternative (alternatives)
  72. ['sevit', 5, true, true, 'tive'],
  73. // drives (drive)
  74. ['sevird', 6, false, true, 'drive'],
  75. // lives (life), wives (wife)
  76. ['sevi', 4, false, true, 'ife'],
  77. // moves (move)
  78. ['sevom', 5, true, true, 'move'],
  79. // hooves (hoof), dwarves (dwarf), elves (elf), leaves (leaf), caves (cave), staves (staff)
  80. ['sev', 3, true, true, ['f', 've', 'ff']],
  81. // axes (axis), axes (ax), axes (axe)
  82. ['sexa', 4, false, false, ['ax', 'axe', 'axis']],
  83. // indexes (index), matrixes (matrix)
  84. ['sex', 3, true, false, 'x'],
  85. // quizzes (quiz)
  86. ['sezz', 4, true, false, 'z'],
  87. // bureaus (bureau)
  88. ['suae', 4, false, true, 'eau'],
  89. // fees (fee), trees (tree), employees (employee)
  90. ['see', 3, true, true, 'ee'],
  91. // edges (edge)
  92. ['segd', 4, true, true, 'dge'],
  93. // roses (rose), garages (garage), cassettes (cassette),
  94. // waltzes (waltz), heroes (hero), bushes (bush), arches (arch),
  95. // shoes (shoe)
  96. ['se', 2, true, true, ['', 'e']],
  97. // tags (tag)
  98. ['s', 1, true, true, ''],
  99. // chateaux (chateau)
  100. ['xuae', 4, false, true, 'eau'],
  101. // people (person)
  102. ['elpoep', 6, true, true, 'person'],
  103. ];
  104. /**
  105. * Map English singular to plural suffixes.
  106. *
  107. * @see http://english-zone.com/spelling/plurals.html
  108. */
  109. private const SINGULAR_MAP = [
  110. // First entry: singular suffix, reversed
  111. // Second entry: length of singular suffix
  112. // Third entry: Whether the suffix may succeed a vocal
  113. // Fourth entry: Whether the suffix may succeed a consonant
  114. // Fifth entry: plural suffix, normal
  115. // criterion (criteria)
  116. ['airetirc', 8, false, false, 'criterion'],
  117. // nebulae (nebula)
  118. ['aluben', 6, false, false, 'nebulae'],
  119. // children (child)
  120. ['dlihc', 5, true, true, 'children'],
  121. // prices (price)
  122. ['eci', 3, false, true, 'ices'],
  123. // services (service)
  124. ['ecivres', 7, true, true, 'services'],
  125. // lives (life), wives (wife)
  126. ['efi', 3, false, true, 'ives'],
  127. // selfies (selfie)
  128. ['eifles', 6, true, true, 'selfies'],
  129. // movies (movie)
  130. ['eivom', 5, true, true, 'movies'],
  131. // lice (louse)
  132. ['esuol', 5, false, true, 'lice'],
  133. // mice (mouse)
  134. ['esuom', 5, false, true, 'mice'],
  135. // geese (goose)
  136. ['esoo', 4, false, true, 'eese'],
  137. // houses (house), bases (base)
  138. ['es', 2, true, true, 'ses'],
  139. // geese (goose)
  140. ['esoog', 5, true, true, 'geese'],
  141. // caves (cave)
  142. ['ev', 2, true, true, 'ves'],
  143. // drives (drive)
  144. ['evird', 5, false, true, 'drives'],
  145. // objectives (objective), alternative (alternatives)
  146. ['evit', 4, true, true, 'tives'],
  147. // moves (move)
  148. ['evom', 4, true, true, 'moves'],
  149. // staves (staff)
  150. ['ffats', 5, true, true, 'staves'],
  151. // hooves (hoof), dwarves (dwarf), elves (elf), leaves (leaf)
  152. ['ff', 2, true, true, 'ffs'],
  153. // hooves (hoof), dwarves (dwarf), elves (elf), leaves (leaf)
  154. ['f', 1, true, true, ['fs', 'ves']],
  155. // arches (arch)
  156. ['hc', 2, true, true, 'ches'],
  157. // bushes (bush)
  158. ['hs', 2, true, true, 'shes'],
  159. // teeth (tooth)
  160. ['htoot', 5, true, true, 'teeth'],
  161. // bacteria (bacterium), criteria (criterion), phenomena (phenomenon)
  162. ['mu', 2, true, true, 'a'],
  163. // men (man), women (woman)
  164. ['nam', 3, true, true, 'men'],
  165. // people (person)
  166. ['nosrep', 6, true, true, ['persons', 'people']],
  167. // bacteria (bacterium), criteria (criterion), phenomena (phenomenon)
  168. ['noi', 3, true, true, 'ions'],
  169. // coupon (coupons)
  170. ['nop', 3, true, true, 'pons'],
  171. // seasons (season), treasons (treason), poisons (poison), lessons (lesson)
  172. ['nos', 3, true, true, 'sons'],
  173. // bacteria (bacterium), criteria (criterion), phenomena (phenomenon)
  174. ['no', 2, true, true, 'a'],
  175. // echoes (echo)
  176. ['ohce', 4, true, true, 'echoes'],
  177. // heroes (hero)
  178. ['oreh', 4, true, true, 'heroes'],
  179. // atlases (atlas)
  180. ['salta', 5, true, true, 'atlases'],
  181. // irises (iris)
  182. ['siri', 4, true, true, 'irises'],
  183. // analyses (analysis), ellipses (ellipsis), neuroses (neurosis)
  184. // theses (thesis), emphases (emphasis), oases (oasis),
  185. // crises (crisis)
  186. ['sis', 3, true, true, 'ses'],
  187. // accesses (access), addresses (address), kisses (kiss)
  188. ['ss', 2, true, false, 'sses'],
  189. // syllabi (syllabus)
  190. ['suballys', 8, true, true, 'syllabi'],
  191. // buses (bus)
  192. ['sub', 3, true, true, 'buses'],
  193. // circuses (circus)
  194. ['suc', 3, true, true, 'cuses'],
  195. // conspectuses (conspectus), prospectuses (prospectus)
  196. ['sutcep', 6, true, true, 'pectuses'],
  197. // fungi (fungus), alumni (alumnus), syllabi (syllabus), radii (radius)
  198. ['su', 2, true, true, 'i'],
  199. // news (news)
  200. ['swen', 4, true, true, 'news'],
  201. // feet (foot)
  202. ['toof', 4, true, true, 'feet'],
  203. // chateaux (chateau), bureaus (bureau)
  204. ['uae', 3, false, true, ['eaus', 'eaux']],
  205. // oxen (ox)
  206. ['xo', 2, false, false, 'oxen'],
  207. // hoaxes (hoax)
  208. ['xaoh', 4, true, false, 'hoaxes'],
  209. // indices (index)
  210. ['xedni', 5, false, true, ['indicies', 'indexes']],
  211. // boxes (box)
  212. ['xo', 2, false, true, 'oxes'],
  213. // indexes (index), matrixes (matrix)
  214. ['x', 1, true, false, ['cies', 'xes']],
  215. // appendices (appendix)
  216. ['xi', 2, false, true, 'ices'],
  217. // babies (baby)
  218. ['y', 1, false, true, 'ies'],
  219. // quizzes (quiz)
  220. ['ziuq', 4, true, false, 'quizzes'],
  221. // waltzes (waltz)
  222. ['z', 1, true, true, 'zes'],
  223. ];
  224. /**
  225. * A list of words which should not be inflected, reversed.
  226. */
  227. private const UNINFLECTED = [
  228. '',
  229. // data
  230. 'atad',
  231. // deer
  232. 'reed',
  233. // feedback
  234. 'kcabdeef',
  235. // fish
  236. 'hsif',
  237. // info
  238. 'ofni',
  239. // moose
  240. 'esoom',
  241. // series
  242. 'seires',
  243. // sheep
  244. 'peehs',
  245. // species
  246. 'seiceps',
  247. ];
  248. /**
  249. * {@inheritdoc}
  250. */
  251. public function singularize(string $plural): array
  252. {
  253. $pluralRev = strrev($plural);
  254. $lowerPluralRev = strtolower($pluralRev);
  255. $pluralLength = \strlen($lowerPluralRev);
  256. // Check if the word is one which is not inflected, return early if so
  257. if (\in_array($lowerPluralRev, self::UNINFLECTED, true)) {
  258. return [$plural];
  259. }
  260. // The outer loop iterates over the entries of the plural table
  261. // The inner loop $j iterates over the characters of the plural suffix
  262. // in the plural table to compare them with the characters of the actual
  263. // given plural suffix
  264. foreach (self::PLURAL_MAP as $map) {
  265. $suffix = $map[0];
  266. $suffixLength = $map[1];
  267. $j = 0;
  268. // Compare characters in the plural table and of the suffix of the
  269. // given plural one by one
  270. while ($suffix[$j] === $lowerPluralRev[$j]) {
  271. // Let $j point to the next character
  272. ++$j;
  273. // Successfully compared the last character
  274. // Add an entry with the singular suffix to the singular array
  275. if ($j === $suffixLength) {
  276. // Is there any character preceding the suffix in the plural string?
  277. if ($j < $pluralLength) {
  278. $nextIsVocal = false !== strpos('aeiou', $lowerPluralRev[$j]);
  279. if (!$map[2] && $nextIsVocal) {
  280. // suffix may not succeed a vocal but next char is one
  281. break;
  282. }
  283. if (!$map[3] && !$nextIsVocal) {
  284. // suffix may not succeed a consonant but next char is one
  285. break;
  286. }
  287. }
  288. $newBase = substr($plural, 0, $pluralLength - $suffixLength);
  289. $newSuffix = $map[4];
  290. // Check whether the first character in the plural suffix
  291. // is uppercased. If yes, uppercase the first character in
  292. // the singular suffix too
  293. $firstUpper = ctype_upper($pluralRev[$j - 1]);
  294. if (\is_array($newSuffix)) {
  295. $singulars = [];
  296. foreach ($newSuffix as $newSuffixEntry) {
  297. $singulars[] = $newBase.($firstUpper ? ucfirst($newSuffixEntry) : $newSuffixEntry);
  298. }
  299. return $singulars;
  300. }
  301. return [$newBase.($firstUpper ? ucfirst($newSuffix) : $newSuffix)];
  302. }
  303. // Suffix is longer than word
  304. if ($j === $pluralLength) {
  305. break;
  306. }
  307. }
  308. }
  309. // Assume that plural and singular is identical
  310. return [$plural];
  311. }
  312. /**
  313. * {@inheritdoc}
  314. */
  315. public function pluralize(string $singular): array
  316. {
  317. $singularRev = strrev($singular);
  318. $lowerSingularRev = strtolower($singularRev);
  319. $singularLength = \strlen($lowerSingularRev);
  320. // Check if the word is one which is not inflected, return early if so
  321. if (\in_array($lowerSingularRev, self::UNINFLECTED, true)) {
  322. return [$singular];
  323. }
  324. // The outer loop iterates over the entries of the singular table
  325. // The inner loop $j iterates over the characters of the singular suffix
  326. // in the singular table to compare them with the characters of the actual
  327. // given singular suffix
  328. foreach (self::SINGULAR_MAP as $map) {
  329. $suffix = $map[0];
  330. $suffixLength = $map[1];
  331. $j = 0;
  332. // Compare characters in the singular table and of the suffix of the
  333. // given plural one by one
  334. while ($suffix[$j] === $lowerSingularRev[$j]) {
  335. // Let $j point to the next character
  336. ++$j;
  337. // Successfully compared the last character
  338. // Add an entry with the plural suffix to the plural array
  339. if ($j === $suffixLength) {
  340. // Is there any character preceding the suffix in the plural string?
  341. if ($j < $singularLength) {
  342. $nextIsVocal = false !== strpos('aeiou', $lowerSingularRev[$j]);
  343. if (!$map[2] && $nextIsVocal) {
  344. // suffix may not succeed a vocal but next char is one
  345. break;
  346. }
  347. if (!$map[3] && !$nextIsVocal) {
  348. // suffix may not succeed a consonant but next char is one
  349. break;
  350. }
  351. }
  352. $newBase = substr($singular, 0, $singularLength - $suffixLength);
  353. $newSuffix = $map[4];
  354. // Check whether the first character in the singular suffix
  355. // is uppercased. If yes, uppercase the first character in
  356. // the singular suffix too
  357. $firstUpper = ctype_upper($singularRev[$j - 1]);
  358. if (\is_array($newSuffix)) {
  359. $plurals = [];
  360. foreach ($newSuffix as $newSuffixEntry) {
  361. $plurals[] = $newBase.($firstUpper ? ucfirst($newSuffixEntry) : $newSuffixEntry);
  362. }
  363. return $plurals;
  364. }
  365. return [$newBase.($firstUpper ? ucfirst($newSuffix) : $newSuffix)];
  366. }
  367. // Suffix is longer than word
  368. if ($j === $singularLength) {
  369. break;
  370. }
  371. }
  372. }
  373. // Assume that plural is singular with a trailing `s`
  374. return [$singular.'s'];
  375. }
  376. }