wifi.md 1.3 KB


Only works on Android devices and is used for wifi configuration. Scanning such a code would, after prompting the user, configure the device's wi-fi accordingly.

  • authentication: The authentication type; can be WEP, WPA, or 'nopass' for no password. Or, omit for no password.
  • ssid: The network SSID. It is required. Enclosed in double quotes if its an ASCII name, but could be interpreted as hex (i.e. "ABCD").
  • password: The password. This is ignored if authentication is set to 'nopass'. Enclose in double quotes if it is an ASCII name, but could be interpreted as hex (i.e. "ABCD")
  • hidden: Optional. Set to true if the SSID is hidden.

Special characters "", ";", "," and ":" should be escaped with a backslash (""). For example, if an SSID was literally "foo;bar\baz" (with double quotes part of the SSID name itself) then it would be encoded like: \"foo\;bar\baz\"


use Da\QrCode\QrCode;
use Da\QrCode\Format\WifiFormat; 

$format = new WifiFormat(['authentication' => 'WPA', 'ssid' => 'testSSID', 'password' => 'HAKUNAMATATA']);

$qrCode = new QrCode($format);

header('Content-Type: ' . $qrCode->getContentType());

echo $qrCode->writeString();

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